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How we started...

Hara, a freelance makeup artist did not continue accepting clients since the pandemic and also graduated from college the same year.  She finally had the time to think about the choices she made and opportunities she missed.  Not long after all her outside activities stopped, she realized she needed to take charge of her life and figure out what she wants by taking small steps.  Her love and passion for makeup was translated to this business that she proudly calls Wear Nouvelle, which, in French, is wear NEW. This is what she imagine as the weapon to fight through this “battle” of uncertainty and discovery.  She's still in the discovery phase and with this brand, she can let other people going through the same thing know that they are not alone. Wear Nouvelle is here to hold your hand through the difficult times and be that go-to beauty boost when you just want to reaffirm to the world that, yes, you can discover a new you and become a new you. 


Discover a new you, become a new you

Wear Nouvelle’s tagline is the idea of discovering something new about yourself, and using that to better yourself. Imagine our products as a source of extra power as you course through life. As our customers do that, we see them as new beauties, or, as we call them, noubellas. Additionally, our lip cream line boasts a soft matte finish without all the dryness. Wear Nouvelle offers that beauty that will still keep you comfy. Our array of shades from nudes to bolder colors also complement Filipina skin tones. Finally, we’re also trying to build a community of love, trust, and friendship. We want this brand to be their safe space, motivation, and maybe, hopefully, their inspiration to also take action in their lives. We connect with our noubellas; we want to be part of their journeys as much as they are part of ours.

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